Stole from a blog I enjoy! Everyone is "tagged!" I would love to see everyones answers!!
Name: Becky
Birth date: October 29th
Birthplace: Baltimore
Current Location: Baltimore
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5′8
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Your heritage: Polish princess
The shoes you wore today: Dirty brown flipflops
Your weakness: Mexican Food!
Your fears: Taking care of three kids!!!
Your perfect pizza: Plain cheese or bbq chicken pizza
Goal you’d like to achieve: Take care of three kids!!!
Your most overused phrase on AIM: AIM but I am forever saying WTF on email & texts
Your first waking thoughts: My back hurts...
Your best physical feature: My overstretched belly button
What you miss the most: having money to burn and no responsibilities
Pepsi or Coke: Coke Zero
McDonald’s or Burger King: Neither
Group dates or 1:1 dates: WTF is a date???
Adidas or Nike: I love my Nike shox
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: diet Nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee!!!!!
Smoke: Nope
Cuss: More than I should
Sing: Not so well, but often
Take a shower everyday: Honestly I have been on an every other day schedule lately (stinky I know).
Do you think you’ve been in love: Yes
Want to go to college: Not again
Liked high school: Parts of it!
Want to get married: Not again
Believe in yourself: Well I am no Peter Pan
Get motion sickness: If I read in the car
Think you’re attractive: Right now only to perverted men with a pregnancy fetish
Think you’re a health freak: I wish
Get along with your parent(s): Yep.
Like thunderstorms: As long as they don't wake up Claire
Play an instrument: No
In the past month…
Drank Alcohol: I wish I could say yes to this
Smoked: Nope
Done a drug: Prenatals
Made out: Sure, but it's not quite as frequent as it was when I was younger :)
Gone on a date: Not so much!
Gone to the mall: Nope...I am on house arrest!!
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, but I could have...
Eaten sushi: No thank you
Been on stage: Not me, but at times my vagina has seemed to be...
Been dumped: No
Gone skating: I don't even want to picture me on skates
Gone skinny dipping: With Claire in my bath tub!!
Dyed your hair: Nope...after 7 years I am natural again
Stolen anything: No
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Don't think so...but I enjoyed drinking in college!
If so, was it mixed company: If I did it probably was...
Been caught “doing something”: WTF does that mean???
Shoplifted: A peanut from Santonis when I was a kid
Changed who you were to fit in: Who didn't when they were young and dumb?
Age you hope to be married: 25 - and my dreams came true!
Numbers and Names of Children: Claire (almost 2)...Isaac and Ryan (Coming soon)
Describe your Dream Wedding: In Vegas
How do you want to die: I don't know...but not on the toilet!
Where you want to go to college: Dude...
What do you want to be when you grow up: Independently wealthy
What country would you most like to visit: Australia
Number of people I could trust with my life: 27
Number of CDs that I own: not too many right now...mostly all my music is in my itunes
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 3 or 4...high school track
Number of scars on my body: One on by boob from my mastitis surgery
Number of things in my past that I regret: Don't know...probably like 3. Nothing that eats at me though...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Well good news cervix somehow actually got longer!!!!! Last measurement was 1.6 and now I am measuring 2.2!! Apparently keeping off your feet helps it get stronger. I am so excited, I was worrying myself to death at the concept of bed rest. I feel much relief. All I have to do now is continue to stay off my feet as much as possible so I don't lose my gain!
The boys are measuring well. Baby A (Ryan) is breech and weighing in at 2lbs 6oz. Baby B (Isaac) is vertex and measuring in a 2lbs 7oz. Because Ryan is breech and Isaac is not they are literally head to head looking right at each other. Both boys are around the 45th percentile.
It did take forever today for the ultrasound because they had a vendor in trying to sell them a new ultrasound machine. I had to wait 40 minutes for them to set the machine up and then during the actual ultrasound the vendor had to explain all the functions to my tech. But honestly...I would have sat there for 6 hours not to be on bed rest!!!
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes!
The boys are measuring well. Baby A (Ryan) is breech and weighing in at 2lbs 6oz. Baby B (Isaac) is vertex and measuring in a 2lbs 7oz. Because Ryan is breech and Isaac is not they are literally head to head looking right at each other. Both boys are around the 45th percentile.
It did take forever today for the ultrasound because they had a vendor in trying to sell them a new ultrasound machine. I had to wait 40 minutes for them to set the machine up and then during the actual ultrasound the vendor had to explain all the functions to my tech. But honestly...I would have sat there for 6 hours not to be on bed rest!!!
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Ultrasound tomorrow!
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for my ultrasound tomorrow! If I have have any cervical changes I am on bed rest!!!! I will give an update tomorrow!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Preparing Claire...
Well we have been doing our best to prepare Claire for the pending arrival of her baby brothers. I have a feeling it is not going to go over well because she gets very jealous anytime another baby is around. One example is when we were down the beach, Scott's Mom was holding a baby. All Claire could do is cry "no baby, no baby" until his Mom put the baby down. Another example is anytime Abby is around, my Mom isn't allowed to hold her without Claire getting an attitude!
On a bright note. When I ask her what is in Mommy's belly she says "baby brothers." Scott and I were also talking with her about our family and who was in it. She looked intently at us when we said our family is going to be Mommy and Daddy and Claire Bear and Isaac and Ryan. After we were done she says "and Gabby too." For those who don't know, Gabby is our cat!! I thought that was cute. Hopefully she is getting it a little.
Scott should start painting the nursery next weekend hopefully. I bought the baby bedding a week and a half ago from to be shipped to our local Walmart for free. Unfortunately today when Scott went to pick it up they "lost" the package. They refunded our money, but now we have to wait to get the stupid bedding again...I freaking hate Walmart!! Luckily I ordered the matching valances from eBay so we have something to go by for the color of the room! Hopefully seeing the nursery will prepare Claire as well.
On a bright note. When I ask her what is in Mommy's belly she says "baby brothers." Scott and I were also talking with her about our family and who was in it. She looked intently at us when we said our family is going to be Mommy and Daddy and Claire Bear and Isaac and Ryan. After we were done she says "and Gabby too." For those who don't know, Gabby is our cat!! I thought that was cute. Hopefully she is getting it a little.
Scott should start painting the nursery next weekend hopefully. I bought the baby bedding a week and a half ago from to be shipped to our local Walmart for free. Unfortunately today when Scott went to pick it up they "lost" the package. They refunded our money, but now we have to wait to get the stupid bedding again...I freaking hate Walmart!! Luckily I ordered the matching valances from eBay so we have something to go by for the color of the room! Hopefully seeing the nursery will prepare Claire as well.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I am in pain over here people!!!
My freaking belly button feels like it is going to bust! It is stretching so very much and kinda looks like a smiley face right now!! It hurts so gosh darn bad!!! It feel like people are jabbing needles in it! Ughhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for letting me complain...I am done now!
Thanks for letting me complain...I am done now!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Much ado about nothing...
I had another OB appointment today which was uneventful. No cervical change during the internal. My OB swears that whenever he does an internal check it seems longer than the ultrasounds are measuring. I told him I probably just don't photograph well. I have another ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday to measure my cervix as well as the babies growth and developments. I get so worked up prior to these ultrasounds because I know I am a tenth of a millimeter away from strict bed rest. All I can do is take it easy and hope for the best.
I really miss working. Don't get me wrong, I love spending all this time with Claire but I just feel so unproductive. I miss the people I work with and the patients as well. However, I am sure when I have to go back to work this time around it is going to be so much harder leaving three rather than one.
I have ordered a few things for the nursery so far. I got wall letters spelling out each of the boys names to hang above their cribs as well as two paintings for the room. One painting is of a train and the other is divided in three of a train, boat and car. Thank goodness for EBay!! Now I just have to wait for Scott to clear out the room and paint it a light blue. We are getting two cribs from his cousin, mattresses from his sister and my Mom just ordered us a dresser/hutch. We will be snagging the rocker from Claire's room which she will be very unhappy about, but we will probably replace it with a cheap Ikea chair.
That is really all that is happening right now...
I really miss working. Don't get me wrong, I love spending all this time with Claire but I just feel so unproductive. I miss the people I work with and the patients as well. However, I am sure when I have to go back to work this time around it is going to be so much harder leaving three rather than one.
I have ordered a few things for the nursery so far. I got wall letters spelling out each of the boys names to hang above their cribs as well as two paintings for the room. One painting is of a train and the other is divided in three of a train, boat and car. Thank goodness for EBay!! Now I just have to wait for Scott to clear out the room and paint it a light blue. We are getting two cribs from his cousin, mattresses from his sister and my Mom just ordered us a dresser/hutch. We will be snagging the rocker from Claire's room which she will be very unhappy about, but we will probably replace it with a cheap Ikea chair.
That is really all that is happening right now...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Isaac and Ryan...
These are the names of our baby boys! Scott and I decided that we would each name a baby since we can't agree on anything! I had Isaac picked out a long time ago because I always have loved that name! Also, back when I worked in daycare Isaac was the name of my very favorite kid (I know Meg remembers him too) who I just adored! Scott finally decided on Ryan last night after much intense research (or so he says). I like the name Ryan too and I am honestly surprised he choose it because he hated my friend Ryan that I hung out with/ briefly dated right before Scott and I met. The middle names are going to be Ronald and William after both of our fathers. Unfortunately we are in disagreement over which middle name goes better with which baby! But least we have names!!
Yesterday my friend Jenni had a shower for my friend Debi and me with our friends from the neighborhood. I got a lot of baby boy clothes!! I was surprised how cute the clothes were since for the most part I have always thought boy clothes were boring. We really had a good time at the shower and I stayed out until 11pm which is probably the latest I have been up in a LONG time (God I am getting old)!!
Yesterday my friend Jenni had a shower for my friend Debi and me with our friends from the neighborhood. I got a lot of baby boy clothes!! I was surprised how cute the clothes were since for the most part I have always thought boy clothes were boring. We really had a good time at the shower and I stayed out until 11pm which is probably the latest I have been up in a LONG time (God I am getting old)!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back from the beach...
Well we are back from our extending weekend in Ocean City. Claire really had a good time. She thought the beach was one big sandbox and had fun playing. She also enjoyed playing in the Ocean with Scott. Probably the highlight of her time on the beach was chasing seagulls.

In other news, I had a cervical U/S today and I measured 1.6 from 1.7 last U/S. This really isn't a change, so no bedrest quite yet!!!! I do know why my crotch hurts all the time A spends most of his waking time kicking me directly in the cervix. The U/S tech had a hard time in the beginning trying to measure my cervix because baby A's kicking foot kept getting in the picture. I am still on house arrest, but it could be MUCH worse!!!
I for the most part spent the majority of the time in the condo reading a book. I did make it to the beach briefly, but it took a lot out of me walking in the sand. Plus, the tide was really high the whole time we were there and it kinda freaked me out because I hate ocean water. Scott and I went out to eat 3 times (once with Claire). I also made it to the playground to watch her play.
Here are some pics from the trip (mostly with Daddy):
In other news, I had a cervical U/S today and I measured 1.6 from 1.7 last U/S. This really isn't a change, so no bedrest quite yet!!!! I do know why my crotch hurts all the time A spends most of his waking time kicking me directly in the cervix. The U/S tech had a hard time in the beginning trying to measure my cervix because baby A's kicking foot kept getting in the picture. I am still on house arrest, but it could be MUCH worse!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Well Claire is still having diarrhea, a though much less frequently than the past few days. I hope she starts feeling better soon because our diaper bill is through the roof :-)! We are going to be going to the beach for an extending weekend on Saturday. I only wish that I could do more at the beach besides sitting in the room all day. At least we are going with my in-laws so they should be a big help with Claire. Maybe a might even venture to a restaurant while away.
I am 25 weeks today which is awesome! When I get back from the beach I will have another cervix check to indicate if I need full bed rest or if I can continue what I am doing now. Wish me luck!!
Scott went out and purchased this for Claire yesterday:

We got a pretty good deal using a 20% off one item coupon as well as opening a TRU credit card which saved us another 10%! Scott's parents neighbor works at TRU and has agreed (for a nomial fee) to put it up for us early next week! Claire is going to be so excited!!
I am 25 weeks today which is awesome! When I get back from the beach I will have another cervix check to indicate if I need full bed rest or if I can continue what I am doing now. Wish me luck!!
Scott went out and purchased this for Claire yesterday:

We got a pretty good deal using a 20% off one item coupon as well as opening a TRU credit card which saved us another 10%! Scott's parents neighbor works at TRU and has agreed (for a nomial fee) to put it up for us early next week! Claire is going to be so excited!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Up to my knees in...
Well poor little Claire has had massive quantities of diarrhea since yesterday afternoon. It is the kinda that gurgles when she is going. Poor girl. Her little butt is bright red and sore from all the pooping. Whenever she sees me coming at her with a fresh diaper she screams ands runs away. She doesn't seem to have any other issues though.
I had another OB appointment today. My cervix hasn't changed since last visit, but I will have to official cervix ultrasound next Tuesday. I had the dreaded glucose test in which I felt nauseous during the whole OB appt. Apparently this is a possible sign that it may be positive. Ugh...that would just be the icing on the pregnancy cake (icing mind you that I would no longer be able to eat). I am overall up 20lbs in this pregnancy so far, which isn't bad considering at this point with my singleton pregnancy I was up 35lbs by now. I guess the big difference is last pregnancy I lived by a Chipotle and this pregnancy I do not (also probably the 1st trimester puke fest may have played a part).
p.s. - As I was writing this post, Claire was sitting on my lap and just had a major blowout all over my leg!!! Ew!
I had another OB appointment today. My cervix hasn't changed since last visit, but I will have to official cervix ultrasound next Tuesday. I had the dreaded glucose test in which I felt nauseous during the whole OB appt. Apparently this is a possible sign that it may be positive. Ugh...that would just be the icing on the pregnancy cake (icing mind you that I would no longer be able to eat). I am overall up 20lbs in this pregnancy so far, which isn't bad considering at this point with my singleton pregnancy I was up 35lbs by now. I guess the big difference is last pregnancy I lived by a Chipotle and this pregnancy I do not (also probably the 1st trimester puke fest may have played a part).
p.s. - As I was writing this post, Claire was sitting on my lap and just had a major blowout all over my leg!!! Ew!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Dumb Survey Time...
I am new to this blog survey stuff and all. I think I am *supposed* to "tag" people at the end, but I say do it if you want to...although I would like to read other people's answers...
1. Two weird things about yourself: I put salsa on mac & cheese and I love the smell of gasoline.
2. Two physical attributes you like about yourself: My legs and my abs of steel.
3. Two personal attributes you are thankful for: My generosity and my ability to see good in most people.
4. Two changes you feel could change the world: No more drugs and stronger caffeine.
5. Two things to be thankful for today: My Claire Bear and that my babies are still growing inside me.
6. Two of your favorite things (not people): My house and my wedding rings
7. Two things you detest doing: Sitting still and washing the floors.
8. Two things you know you should do more: Exercising and eating better
9. Two things you want to do before you leave this world: Take a vacation with Scott without kids and Ride in a hot air balloon.
10. Two things about your house you'd like to change: dirty ass carpets on the main floor!! They were dirty when we moved in and no matter how much we clean them the dirt keeps coming back!! I would also like to have the whole house painted professionally.
11. Two favorite celebrities, and why: Elmo, because he keeps Claire entertained for 45 minutes and Wentworth Miller because he is just so hot!!
12. Two celebrities you don't like, and why: Keanu Reeves and Nicholas Cage because they both suck and I refuse to watch movies in which they star.
13. Two favorite books: "The Lovely Bones" Alice Sebold and "I Know This Much is True" Wally Lamb
14. Two cases of odd things that go together nicely: Salsa/ Mac and Cheese and wine/playgroups
15. Your two most "famous" scars: My mastitis scar and the scar under my chin from trying to hurdle an chain fence in high school.
16. Two things you've accomplished today: Going to the drive-thru starbucks and changing 7 (so far) poopy diapers (the girl has diarrhea today).
17. Two things you intend to accomplish today: This survey and probably a few more poopy diapers.
18. Two favorite things about Summer: Playing outside with Claire and sitting on my deck at night with Scott (this would have said drinking on the deck...but not so much this summer).
19. Two favorite things about Winter: Christmas and not much else (I hate winter).
20. If you had the money and time, what two things would you do in the next year: Stay at home full time and hire an Au pair!!
2 of 20 survey
2. Two physical attributes you like about yourself: My legs and my abs of steel.
3. Two personal attributes you are thankful for: My generosity and my ability to see good in most people.
4. Two changes you feel could change the world: No more drugs and stronger caffeine.
5. Two things to be thankful for today: My Claire Bear and that my babies are still growing inside me.
6. Two of your favorite things (not people): My house and my wedding rings
7. Two things you detest doing: Sitting still and washing the floors.
8. Two things you know you should do more: Exercising and eating better
9. Two things you want to do before you leave this world: Take a vacation with Scott without kids and Ride in a hot air balloon.
10. Two things about your house you'd like to change: dirty ass carpets on the main floor!! They were dirty when we moved in and no matter how much we clean them the dirt keeps coming back!! I would also like to have the whole house painted professionally.
11. Two favorite celebrities, and why: Elmo, because he keeps Claire entertained for 45 minutes and Wentworth Miller because he is just so hot!!
12. Two celebrities you don't like, and why: Keanu Reeves and Nicholas Cage because they both suck and I refuse to watch movies in which they star.
13. Two favorite books: "The Lovely Bones" Alice Sebold and "I Know This Much is True" Wally Lamb
14. Two cases of odd things that go together nicely: Salsa/ Mac and Cheese and wine/playgroups
15. Your two most "famous" scars: My mastitis scar and the scar under my chin from trying to hurdle an chain fence in high school.
16. Two things you've accomplished today: Going to the drive-thru starbucks and changing 7 (so far) poopy diapers (the girl has diarrhea today).
17. Two things you intend to accomplish today: This survey and probably a few more poopy diapers.
18. Two favorite things about Summer: Playing outside with Claire and sitting on my deck at night with Scott (this would have said drinking on the deck...but not so much this summer).
19. Two favorite things about Winter: Christmas and not much else (I hate winter).
20. If you had the money and time, what two things would you do in the next year: Stay at home full time and hire an Au pair!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
A view from my womb...
I figured I should post my ultrasound pics from my last ultrasound (1 week later). This time we actually got profile pics, the first ultrasound pics were kinda hard to figure out. Sorry they are grainy, I just took a picture of them with my camera - I didn't feel like scanning.
Here are the boys:

In other news, we have decided to go with the cheap Wal-Mart bedding. It is around $60, and since we need two...

It is cute enough and I think I can decorate the room with trains, trucks, boats and cars. I think it should work out fine.
Here are the boys:
In other news, we have decided to go with the cheap Wal-Mart bedding. It is around $60, and since we need two...

It is cute enough and I think I can decorate the room with trains, trucks, boats and cars. I think it should work out fine.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Taking it easy...
Nothing much to report because I honestly have done nothing. I am very bored. It is funny how during the week I am on full Mommy duty (but obviously I can't take her out and do things), but when Scott is home he gets upset if I get up from the couch to go to the bathroom. I guess I should be grateful for the extra rest, but I am seriously not a person who likes to stay still.
Today Scott took Claire to a cookout at his friends house. They left at 2 and did not come home until after 7. I have not been home by myself for that long since before Claire was born. Too bad all I could do was lay in bed and read. Mandy did come over with leftovers though. I already ate all the pineapple stuffing, had a piece of corn, and a piece of jello cake. All were very yummy. What happened to all the taco dip though :-)???
We were able to see some fireworks from our deck that were actually decent, although I think they came from someones backyard.
That's about it!!!
Today Scott took Claire to a cookout at his friends house. They left at 2 and did not come home until after 7. I have not been home by myself for that long since before Claire was born. Too bad all I could do was lay in bed and read. Mandy did come over with leftovers though. I already ate all the pineapple stuffing, had a piece of corn, and a piece of jello cake. All were very yummy. What happened to all the taco dip though :-)???
We were able to see some fireworks from our deck that were actually decent, although I think they came from someones backyard.
That's about it!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
I made it to my first goal of 24 weeks!! Granted I do not want to have the babies anytime soon, but at least I have some hope that the babies could survive at this point! Next goal is 28 weeks!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
BPA bottle exchange
Just wanted to first thank everyone for their well wishes and thoughts! I will definately be taking people up on the playdate offers !!
I also wanted to pass on that my friend just exchanged all her old open and used avent and playtex bottles at the Towson BRU and got a $90 bottle credit. Apparently no reciept is needed, BRU just needs to carry the bottle you are trying to exchange. Just thought I'd pass it on since some of you are planning to have more!! I am going to make Scott go and exchange our Dr. Browns bottles hopefully sometime this weekend.
I also wanted to pass on that my friend just exchanged all her old open and used avent and playtex bottles at the Towson BRU and got a $90 bottle credit. Apparently no reciept is needed, BRU just needs to carry the bottle you are trying to exchange. Just thought I'd pass it on since some of you are planning to have more!! I am going to make Scott go and exchange our Dr. Browns bottles hopefully sometime this weekend.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Not so good...
Well my cervix was measuring at 2.3 and it is now at 1.7. Considering that 4 is normal, this is not good news. I am now on house arrest and need to limit my activity significantly. This means no more trips to the park or Target. I need to lay down as much as possible as well. I think I could deal with this better is I did not have an almost 2 year old in my care alone from 7am-7pm. It makes for a pretty difficult time for both of us. I go back in two weeks to see if I stay on house arrest or if I go to full hospital bedrest. This sucks!!!
Other than my cervix, the boys are both looking very good. Baby A is 1lb 9oz and Baby B is 1lb 7oz. This is above average for both. The OB tech also told me that there is a chance that the babies could be identical.
If anybody wants to come by and hangout/ bring a kid for Claire to play with it would be much appreciated (as long as your are not disturbed by what my house may look like since I was told absolutely no housework, good thing I came home to a perfectly clean house today since my Mom had her cleaning lady give my house a good scrub).
Other than my cervix, the boys are both looking very good. Baby A is 1lb 9oz and Baby B is 1lb 7oz. This is above average for both. The OB tech also told me that there is a chance that the babies could be identical.
If anybody wants to come by and hangout/ bring a kid for Claire to play with it would be much appreciated (as long as your are not disturbed by what my house may look like since I was told absolutely no housework, good thing I came home to a perfectly clean house today since my Mom had her cleaning lady give my house a good scrub).
Wish me luck...
Today is I have my ultrasound at 1:45. Please wish me luck/ say a prayer that my cervix hasn't gotten any shorter/more dilated and that the babies are well. I am getting pretty anxious about it already! I will post afterwards to let you know how it went (unless it went really bad and i'm stuck at the hospital).
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